Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Beasts And Reptiles And the Adam - The Sixth Yom.

The Sixth Yom

24.   The Powers said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kind: beasts and reptiles and every manner of animal, all according to their kind?” And it was done!

25.   So The Powers created the animals and reptiles each according to its own kind; and the Powers saw that it was good!

26.   Then The Powers said, “Let us make adam in our own image, after our likeness: and let them rule over the creatures of the sea, and of the sky, and all the animals and reptiles that crawl upon the ground?”

27.   So The Powers created beings in their own image and likeness, Male and female they created them!

28.   The Powers blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and become many, fill the planet and subdue it and rule over all the creatures of the sea and of the sky and every living thing that moves upon the ground?”

29.   Then The Powers said to them, “We give you all plants that bear seed everywhere on the ground; and every tree bearing fruit which yields seed: they are yours for food.

30.   All green vegetation and grasses and herbs we give for food to the animals and to all the creatures of the sky and to all the reptiles and to every living creature!” And it was done!

31.   The Powers saw everything that they had created and it was very good. This was the end of the Sixth Yom.


The Powers finish creating all the creatures and assign rulership,or dominion,of everything on the earth to the adam, or humans, that they created in their own image... which means that The Powers were MALE AND FEMALE themselves.
The adam were the first humans and not the name of the first ‘Mud Man’ that the Lord YHWH/Jehovah created... ‘Mud Man’ never had a name!

The powers also stipulated that the Humans were to have the fruit from the trees and the seeds they contained as well as all the seed bearing plants that grow on the ground for food!
The animals that the Elohim/Powers created were all herbivores, or plant and vegetation eating... as were the adam. There were no meat-eating carnivores in existence at this time!

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