Friday 30 August 2013

The Silver Cord


We each have our own 'Silver Cord'.
It is the only way that our spirit remains attached to our human body.
You may well ask, "How do you know this?"
My reply is, "This is the very reason that I decided to start this Blog!"

Very few people today know who they are but they instinctively know that there is more to life than just being born and eventually dying. Life may be what takes place in-between but, what is the purpose of life? What are we here for?
This blog will answer all of those questions... and much more as well!

My choice for the title of my blog comes from the book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 12. (...and yes I will refer to many written sources and quote from them too! The Bible is just one of the many... but it is also the most used religious text world wide and is also the most mis-translated and mis-used book... so I will also be sorting out that religiously created mess too!)

The son of King David speaks about death and dying;
"For man goes to his everlasting home, and the mourners go about the streets. Remember him before the silver cord is snapped and the golden bowl is broken, before the pitcher is shattered at the spring and the wheel is broken at the well, before the dust returns to the earth as it began and the spirit returns to The Elohim who gave it."
Ecclesiastes 12:5-7

The silver cord is like our 'spiritual umbilical cord'. It is attached to a spot near where our original umbilical cord was. If you are able to 'take a step outside' your body in the same way as those who Astral Travel, and look down you will see your own silver cord. It is this attachment that allows you to travel anywhere in spirit and to return safely to your body afterwards and it will stretch as far as you need it to go.
Some people have gotten lost outside their body and do not know to follow their silver cord back to it. In many cases they are diagnosed with Alzheimers or Senile Dementia due to their body remaining on 'auto-pilot' while their spirit is lost and wandering. Those who are adept at Astral Travel can follow the silver cord and find the person to show them the way back to their body... but this should not be undertaken by any novice as their are many perils on the other side of 'Normal'!
__/\__ <3

1 comment:

  1. Ever wondered what the Bible is all about?
    Then follow my Blog and learn it in an easy simple way.
    ... and your opinions and feedback or discussion is welcomed.
